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I can work alone or co-ordinate for you a larger team of specialists for a more complex impact. I am a senior Affiliate Advisor to McKinsey & Company and can connect you to a McKinsey team and/or work with expert colleagues to bring you the skills that you need (www.aberkyn.com). I also work in partnership with Laughton & Co and Winning Leadership Consulting ensuring we can create an agile team fit for your purpose.


Many team building events benefit from taking the learning out of the classroom and into the experiential. At this point I team up with Neil Laughton from Laughton & Co. Neil is famous for leading the British team up Everest that Bear Grylls was part of and for taking the world's first ever road legal flying car from London to Timbuktu, amongst many other world record breaking feats (www.laughton.co). We work closely together to design leadership development and team building experiences bringing a creative, real-life interface between business psychology models and high impact experiential learning.

Neil works closely with me to tailor group experiences appropriate to the fitness and wishes of the group, that will embed the psychology and learning brought in the workshop. Feedback on these experiences becomes real learning about ourselves, our team dynamics, how we respond when under pressure, our style of leadership and many other personal and team insights.


Fergal McDonnell was leadership coach for Ideal Standard International's top 30 Senior Leadership Group and country management for 10 years as well as working freelance through Winning Leadership Consulting. Where a company needs a team of consultants for a larger scale piece of work, Fergal and I have several years track record of creating a sparky synergy as we work together with shared ethos, complimentary skills and dynamic co-training.

Neil Neil Laughton
Fergal Fergal McDonnell

contact maggie for:-




leadership/high performing team development





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